In 1987, Tom Hargrove laid the foundation for a quaint angler’s sanctuary, housed in an old dental office, in Brentwood, MO. Filled with fly-tying materials and fishing gear it would soon transcend into a communal beacon for those united by a love for water and the great outdoors. His establishment is more than just a shop; it's a gathering place for enthusiasts, from seasoned angling aficionados to the uninitiated, where tales of aquatic adventures are exchanged amidst the universal thrill of shared experiences.

People are drawn to Hargrove's haven not only for the fishing gear but also for the deep sense of community that pervades it. One can enter as a stranger and depart with friendships forged in the fervor of fishing tales. At the heart of this is an age-old business model that emphasizes the intrinsic value of relationships as its daily baseline. His shop is neither simply commercial nor impersonal; it is a living, breathing ode to the fraternal bonds of fly fishing enthusiasts.

This tribute to Tom Hargrove's shop marks it as more than a hub of fly-fishing and equipment; it crystallizes it as a culturally relevant headshop of fly fishing where relationships, experiences, and fishing unite to create a community that celebrates the love of the outdoors.




The Unmade Bed